This is my HERMS brewery set up
and making beer.
My goal is to make it modular and easy to set up, easy
to use, easy to clean, easy to put away. You know
the BIG EASY BUTTON… I make 5 to 15 gallon
batches on this rig. Sometimes I make 1 to 5 gallon
batches on this rig…
This is my HLT with HERMS and
sight glass.
This is how the whole thing
gets hooked up.
In use I open and close the valves to direct the flow.
I gravity drain from the Mash Tun to the Boil Pot.
The rest I use the pump…
This is how I hook up the
system. The hoses are from HD
and are high quality washing machine hook up hoses.
This is the inside of the boil
pot showing the pickup tube.
It is just a copper street 90 to sweat fitting from Homer Depot.