Install LinuxCNC¶
Installing LinuxCNC 2.9 on Debian 13¶
If you’re using a Mesa Ethernet card the 5.10.x kernel works the best. Download the kernel from here
Select a mirror and you will get a File not downloaded potential security risk warning if your using Firefox, just click on the file and select Allow Download and the download will start.
After the deb downloads right click and open with Gdebi and install.
Reboot the computer and when you get to boot up select Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux and pick the 5.10.0-18 -rt-amd64 kernel.
After you boot up go to System > Synaptic Package Manager and search for linux-image. Mark the 5.18 kernel for complete removal and apply. Next time you start the computer it will have the 5.10.x kernel.
When booting up select Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux and pick the rt kernel.
After booting up open a terminal (Ctrl Alt t) and make sure you have the rt kernel.
uname -a

Now you can remove the non-rt kernel and header by opening the Synaptic Package Manager from the System menu and search for linux-image. This will make sure the PC boots up to the Preempt_RT kernel every time.
Open a terminal with (Ctrl Alt t)
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt install linuxcnc-uspace
sudo apt install linuxcnc-uspace-dev
Mesa Configuration Tool¶
Mesa Configuration Tool install instructions
. Read Pin Descriptions, Read HMID, Flash Firmware, Reload Firmware, Verify Firmware . Open Mesa documents for most boards, View board images . Build a LinuxCNC configuration where changes to the ini file are not lost . Configure Smart Serial Cards . Check PC and NIC timing
The 7i96S Mesa board requires Mesaflash version 3.4.3 or newer
The 7i92T series of Mesa boards require Mesaflash 3.4.4 or newer
Debian now has Mesaflash 3.4.6 so it can be installed with:
sudo apt install mesaflash
To install the latest Mesaflash download it from github
sudo apt install libpci-dev libmd-dev pkg-config build-essential git
git clone
Open a terminal in the mesaflash directory and build and install mesaflash.
cd mesaflash
sudo make install
mesaflash --version