Part 6b Creating the HAL and INI files

Minimum INI file

To run LinuxCNC there are some core things that must be in the INI file. In the linuxcnc/configs/gui6 directory create the gui6.ini file.

# display options

# Name of display program to execute
DISPLAY = gui6

# Cycle time, in seconds, that display will sleep between polls
CYCLE_TIME = 0.100

# section for main IO controller parameters

# Name of IO controller program, e.g., io
EMCIO = io

# cycle time, in seconds
CYCLE_TIME =    0.100

# tool table file
TOOL_TABLE = tool.tbl

# Motion control section
EMCMOT = motmod

# Timeout for comm to emcmot, in seconds

# Interval between tries to emcmot, in seconds
COMM_WAIT = 0.010

# Hardware Abstraction Layer section

HALFILE = gui6.hal

# Trajectory planner section

AXES = 3
COORDINATES =           X Y Z
HOME =                  0 0 0
LINEAR_UNITS =          inch
ANGULAR_UNITS =         degree
CYCLE_TIME =            0.010
POSITION_FILE = position.txt

# Part program interpreter section

# File containing interpreter variables

# Task controller section

# Name of task controller program, e.g., milltask
TASK = milltask

# Cycle time, in seconds, that task controller will sleep between polls
CYCLE_TIME = 0.001

Minimum HAL File

To run LinuxCNC there are some core things that must be in the HAL file. In the linuxcnc/configs/gui6 directory create the gui6.hal file.

# kinematics
loadrt trivkins

# motion controller
loadrt motmod base_period_nsec=100000 servo_period_nsec=1000000 num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES
addf motion-command-handler servo-thread
addf motion-controller servo-thread

Tool Table

The LinuxCNC software has to find a tool table so create a file named tool.tbl and save it with the rest of the files in our configuration directory.

T1 P1 D0.125000 Z+0.462066 ;1/8 end mill