Manual Data Input (MDI)

MDI Interface

The MDI Interface uses a QLineEdit named mdi_command_le to enter commands.

For touch screens there are two options a NC Popup is a touch screen that has G and M words and a number keypad or a Keyboard Popup has a full keyboard.

To enable a popup add a Dynamic string type Property to the mdi_command_le QLineEdit and name it input and set the value to either nccode or keyboard.

Dynamic Property


Setting the value


NC code popup window


Keyboard popup window


MDI history uses a QListWidget named mdi_history_lw to display the MDI history. You can click on a line in the history display to copy the command to the MDI Interface, ready for running.

MDI Controls

The following QPushButtons can be used to execute, copy, and clear MDI command history

MDI Push Buttons

Run MDI Command


Copy the MDI History to the Clipboard


Clear the MDI History


The MDI history is kept in a file named mdi_history.txt in the configuration directory.

MDI Button

MDI buttons execute a MDI command when the button is pressed. These are created by adding two dynamic properties called function and command to a QPushButton.


If the command property is not found, the button will not be enabled!

Select the button then create a dynamic property by pressing the green plus sign in the Property Editor


Then select string:


Name the property function and click OK


Set the value of the property to mdi


Add a property called command


Set the value of the property to your valid MDI command
