
Mesa Configuration Tool


Tested on Debian 10, 11, 12, 13 and Linux Mint 20.2 but it should work on other Debian type OS’s.


Requires Python 3.6 or newer to work.

Use the Debian deb for installing the Mesa Configuration Tool!

Latest Version of the Mesa Configuration Tool is in the Releases

Select the one that suits your OS.

Or use wget from a terminal


If you get bash: wget: command not found you can install it from a terminal with

sudo apt install wget

Open the File Manager and right click on the file and open with Gdebi then install.

If you don’t have Gdebi installed you can install it from a terminal

sudo apt install gdebi

If the graphical version of gdebi has problems you can run it from a terminal in the directory where you downloaded the deb with n.n.n replaced by the version your installing.

sudo gdebi mesact_n.n.n_amd64.deb

If you don’t have LinuxCNC installed then the mesact Configuration tool will show up in the Applications > Other menu otherwise it will be in the CNC menu.

If you have problems try running from a terminal with:


To flash firmware to the mesact you need to install mesaflash from the LinuxCNC repository.

To uninstall the mesact Configuration Tool right click on the .deb file and open with Gdebi and select Remove Package.

To check for newer versions Help > Check for Updates

To upgrade the mesact Configuration Tool delete the .deb file and download a fresh copy then right click on the .deb file and open with Gdebi and select Reinstall Package