Status Labels¶
Status labels are created using a QLabel and setting the Object Name. Status labels come in two forms. A single-status-label like Machine Status only contains one piece of information, such as OFF, RUN, etc.
A multiple-status-label like the axis or joint dictionaries have multiple items and displays for all joints. Multiple-status-labels use a number identifier to select the axis, joint, or spindle information wanted.
When creating a status label, set the objectName to the status you want to display
Labels that return float values default to 3 decimal places for metric and 4 for inch.
To override the default, select the label then click on the Green Plus sign in the Property Editor to add a Dynamic Property and select String. See Dynamic Properties
Set the Property Name to precision:
Set the Value to how many decimal places you want for that status label
For more information about status labels read the LinuxCNC Python Interface Status Attributes
Status Labels¶
acceleration_lb |
flood_lb |
pocket_prepped_lb |
active_queue_lb |
gcodes_lb |
probe_tripped_lb |
adaptive_feed_enabled_lb |
g5x_index_lb |
probe_val_lb |
angular_units_lb |
ini_filename_lb |
probed_position_lb |
axis_mask_lb |
inpos_lb |
probing_lb |
block_delete_lb |
input_timeout_lb |
program_units_lb |
call_level_lb |
interp_state_lb |
queue_lb |
command_lb |
interpreter_errcode_lb |
queue_full_lb |
current_line_lb |
joints_lb |
rapid_override_lb |
current_vel_lb |
kinematics_type_lb |
read_line_lb |
cycle_time_lb |
linear_units_lb |
rotation_xy_lb |
debug_lb |
lube_lb |
settings_lb |
delay_left_lb |
lube_level_lb |
spindles_lb |
distance_to_go_lb |
max_acceleration_lb |
state_lb |
echo_serial_number_lb |
max_velocity_lb |
task_mode_lb |
enabled_lb |
mcodes_lb |
task_paused_lb |
estop_lb |
mist_lb |
task_state_lb |
exec_state_lb |
motion_line_lb |
tool_in_spindle_lb |
feed_hold_enabled_lb |
motion_mode_lb |
tool_from_pocket_lb |
motion_type_lb |
tool_offset_lb |
feed_override_lb |
optional_stop_lb |
file_lb |
paused_lb |
You don’t have to use all the labels; use only as many as you need.
Axis Status¶
The Axis status contains status items for all 9 axes. Replace the n with the number of the axis. Axis numbers start at 0 and go through 8. Returns a float
axis_n_max_position_limit_lb |
axis_n_min_position_limit_lb |
axis_n_velocity_lb |
axis_n_vel_per_min_lb |
The Axis velocity label only reports back jogging speed; use the joint velocity label for linear speed.
Joint Status¶
The Joint status contains status items for 16 joints. Replace the n with the number of the joint. Joint numbers start at 0 and go through 15
joint_backlash_n_lb |
joint_input_n_lb |
joint_min_position_limit_n_lb |
joint_enabled_n_lb |
joint_jointType_n_lb |
joint_in_soft_limit_n_lb |
joint_fault_n_lb |
joint_max_ferror_n_lb |
joint_output_n_lb |
joint_ferror_current_n_lb |
joint_max_hard_limit_n_lb |
joint_override_limits_n_lb |
joint_ferror_highmark_n_lb |
joint_max_position_limit_n_lb |
joint_units_n_lb |
joint_homed_n_lb |
joint_max_soft_limit_n_lb |
joint_vel_sec_n_lb |
joint_vel_min_n_lb |
joint_homing_n_lb |
joint_min_ferror_n_lb |
joint_inpos_n_lb |
joint_min_hard_limit_n_lb |
Special Labels¶
Run from line label start_line_lb
Axis machine position labels (no offsets.) Returns a float
actual_lb_x |
actual_lb_y |
actual_lb_z |
actual_lb_a |
actual_lb_b |
actual_lb_c |
actual_lb_u |
actual_lb_v |
actual_lb_w |
Axis position labels including all offsets. Returns a float
dro_lb_x |
dro_lb_y |
dro_lb_z |
dro_lb_a |
dro_lb_b |
dro_lb_c |
dro_lb_u |
dro_lb_v |
dro_lb_w |
Axis-is-homed labels
home_lb_0 |
home_lb_1 |
home_lb_2 |
home_lb_3 |
home_lb_4 |
home_lb_5 |
home_lb_6 |
home_lb_7 |
home_lb_8 |
Offsets for the currently active G5x coordinate system. Returns a float
g5x_lb_x |
g5x_lb_y |
g5x_lb_z |
g5x_lb_a |
g5x_lb_b |
g5x_lb_c |
g5x_lb_u |
g5x_lb_v |
g5x_lb_w |
Offsets for G92. Returns a float
g92_lb_x |
g92_lb_y |
g92_lb_z |
g92_lb_a |
g92_lb_b |
g92_lb_c |
g92_lb_u |
g92_lb_v |
g92_lb_w |
Velocity Labels¶
Tool velocity using two perpendicular joint velocities.
Name the label two_vel_lb and add two int type Dynamic Properties called joint_0 and joint_1 and set the values to the perpendicular joint numbers you want to calculate. Typically this would be for the X and Y axes.
To select an int type of Dynamic Property, select Other after clicking on the green plus sign
Then select the Property Type of int
The two Dynamic Properties should look like this
Tool velocity using three perpendicular joint velocities.
Name the label three_vel_lb and add three int type Dynamic Properties called joint_0, joint_1 and joint_2 and set the values to the perpendicular joint numbers you want to calculate. Typically this would be for the X, Y and Z axes.
I/O Status¶
The I/O status contains status items for 64 I/O’s. Replace the n with the number of the I/O. I/O numbers start at 0 and go through 63. Analog I/O returns a float. For example a QLabel with an object name of din_5_lb will show the status of the HAL pin
HAL Pin |
Label Name |
motion.analog-in-nn |
ain_n_lb |
motion.analog-out-nn |
aout_n_lb | |
din_n_lb | |
dout_n_lb |