Command Buttons Tutorial Home Controls Tutorial
Touch-Off Spin Boxes¶
Touch Off Value touchoff_dsb
Tool Touch Off Value tool_touchoff_dsb
E Stop and Power¶
The E Stop push button Open/Closed state text can be set by adding two string type Dynamic Properties open_text and closed_text. The text in those two properties will be used if found. The default text is E Stop Open and E Stop Closed. See Dynamic Properties
The Power push button On/Off state text can be set by adding two string type Dynamic Properties on_text and off_text. The text in those two properties will be used if found. The default text is Power Off and Power On.
To have two words be above and below insert a n between the words.
This is how the above looks in the GUI
Coordinate System Controls¶
A QPushButton can be used to clear the curren cooridnate system by using 0 as the index or any one of the 9 coordinate systems with (1-9).
To clear the G92 coordinate system use 10 as the index.
Control Function |
Object Name |
Clear Current G5x |
clear_coord_0 |
Clear G5x Coordinate System |
clear_coord_(1-9) |
Clear G92 Coordinate System |
clear_coord_10 |
The QPushButton options are toggle-type buttons; press to turn on, press again to turn off. They are normal push buttons but Flex automatically makes them checkable.
Function |
Widget |
Name |
Flood Toggle |
QPushButton |
flood_pb |
Mist Toggle |
QPushButton |
mist_pb |
Optional Stop at M1 |
QPushButton |
optional_stop_pb |
Block Delete line that starts with / |
QPushButton |
block_delete_pb |
Feed Override Enable/Disable |
QPushButton |
feed_override_pb |
Axis Index¶
X 0
Y 1
Z 2
A 3
B 4
C 5
U 6
V 7
W 8
Jog Controls¶
Jogging requires a Jog Velocity Slider and Jog Mode Selector. If either is not found, Jog Buttons will be disabled.
Function |
Widget |
Name |
Jog Plus Axis (0-8) |
QPushButton |
jog_plus_pb_(0-8) |
Jog Minus Axis (0-8) |
QPushButton |
jog_minus_pb_(0-8) |
Jog Velocity Slider |
QSlider |
jog_vel_sl |
Jog Velocity Label |
QLabel |
jog_vel_lb |
Jog Mode Selector |
QComboBox |
jog_modes_cb |
Jog Plus/Minus buttons use the Axis Index. So Jog Y Plus is jog_plus_pb_1.
Jog Mode Selector reads the ini entry [DISPLAY] INCREMENTS and if not found, only Continuous will be an option.
[DISPLAY] INCREMENTS must be a comma seperated list or it will be ignored.
The following settings can be used in the DISPLAY section of the ini file:
Jog Increments INCREMENTS = 0.100, 0.010, 0.001
Jog Increments INCREMENTS = 1 inch, 0.5 in, 1 cm, 1 mm
Jog Velocity minimum MIN_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 0.1
Jog Velocity maximum MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 1.0
Jog Velocity default DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 0.2
Jog incremnts can have unit lables, the following are valid unit labels cm, mm, um, inch, in or mil. If no unit labels are found the the configuration units are used.
A QSlider is used to control the following functions and the corresponding label shows the value of the slider:
Function |
Widget |
Object Name |
Feed Override Slider |
QSlider |
feed_override_sl |
Feed Override Percent |
QLabel |
feed_override_lb |
Rapid Override Slider |
QSlider |
rapid_override_sl |
Rapid Override Percent |
QLabel |
rapid_override_lb |
Spindle Override Slider |
QSlider |
spindle_override_sl |
Spindle Override Percent |
QLabel |
spindle_override_0_lb |
Override Limits |
QCheckBox |
override_limits_cb |
The following settings can be used in the DISPLAY section of the ini file:
Feed Override maximum MAX_FEED_OVERRIDE
Spindle Override maximum MAX_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE
Override Presets¶
Feed, Rapid and Spindle overrides can have a preset button(s) for different preset amounts. Replace the nnn with the percent of override you want that button to use.
Function |
Widget |
Object Name |
Feed Override Preset |
QPushButton |
feed_percent_nnn |
Rapid Override Preset |
QPushButton |
rapid_percent_nnn |
Spindle Override Preset |
QPushButton |
spindle_percent_nnn |
The maximum override for Rapid is 100
Stacked Widget¶
To change to a specific page on a QStackedWidget add a QPushButton on each page and set a couple of Dynamic Properties. See Dynamic Properties
Dynamic Property Name |
Value |
change_page |
QStackedWidget Object Name |
index |
index of page to change to |
To create a Next Page and Previous Page buttons for a QStackedWidget add two QPushButtons with the following Dynamic Properties. See Dynamic Properties
Button Function |
Dynamic Property Name |
Value |
Next Page |
next_page |
QStackedWidget Object Name |
Previous Page |
previous_page |
QStackedWidget Object Name |
The Forward and Backward Buttons should not be in the QStackedWidget